Have you heard about Fabienne Fredrickson’s new “Client Attraction Mindset” Training Call Series is titled:

“How I Used Specific Mindset Techniques To Go From Making A Low 6-Figure Income, To Easily And Authentically Making Multi-Millions, And Created A Life Of Ease And Meaning, In Less Time Than Most People Make $50K A Year! (And EXACTLY How You Can Too)”?

It starts on Thursday July 21st, 2011, at 8:00 PM Eastern (NY time)


Client Attraction Mindset CallsOn this special series, callers will discover how to:

* Break through the self-imposed barriers currently stopping you from multiplying your income

* Increase your confidence by removing the limiting beliefs and self doubt

* Put an end to your struggle so you can FINALLY live the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve

* Uncover the hidden reasons why you’re not making more money

* Discover the exact process to shift your mindset and income

* Upgrade everything about your life, personally and professionally

* Live the freedom-based lifestyle you are meant to live in a MUCH bigger way

Fabienne will reveal her simple-to-implement secrets, step-by-step, and give callers an
opportunity to create the same results in their own business, like she did, faster than you
thought possible (and with greater ease than it’s taking you to make what you make now).

You’ll also hear from several of Fabienne’s students (everyday people just like us) who are
experiencing outstanding results by making simple, yet profound tweaks to their own
‘Inner Game’ of Client Attraction.


P.S. Reserve your seat first before you share this with your friends.


Were you able to make it to Fabienne Fredrickson’s ‘Get More Clients Secrets’ tour stop in New York City last month? The buzz is that the entrepreneurs who attended walked away with amazing ideas for immediately getting more clients (and making more money.)

Unfortunately, due to her schedule she wasn’t able to do any tour stops other than New York City…some people were bummed and some  were downright upset, feeling they’d missed out on a good thing.

So, great news! Fabienne wants to make it up to you!

Click on the video below to see exactly how:

Fabienne Fredrickson - Get More Clients

The folks who poured into New York for that afternoon event last month got ‘crazy’ value.

They walked away knowing exactly what to do to get more clients in just a few days, and just the boost of motivation and inspiration to make it happen quickly.

And now, it’s your turn to get the same value because Fabienne is doing the event again for you to watch from the comfort of your own home via WEBINAR!

And it’s totally-free! Here are the details:


On the webinar, Fabienne will be giving  you the keys to the Client Attraction Kingdom.

Here’s what she’ll be covering:

* How to get clear on who your ideal client is

* How to create a truly compelling marketing message

* The secrets to closing the sale at least 97% of the time

* The exact process to fill your own practice so that you make lots more and serve way more clients

* And so much more…

To reserve your seat, go to:


Mark the dates in your calendar now

(Wednesday, March 16, 8pm eastern – that’s tomorrow!) for about 75-90 minutes and get on a cozy spot on your sofa, with your computer on your lap, and spend the evening with Fabienne getting huge value!


I’m all registered and hope you’ll be joining me too! “See” you there!

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to your friends and colleagues but register YOUR seat beforehand, to guarantee your spot.


P.P.S. I just spent the day with Fabienne in Stamford last week. Probably the best day I’ve ever had learning about how to build my business. I can’t recommend Fabienne enough, she taught me to take a “no excuses approach” and I can already see changes for the better. Click on the link and sign up for this powerful, high content webinar right now!


Fabienne Fredrickson, the Client Attraction and Mindset Mentor and Founder of ClientAttraction.com is hosting a free training call this month that’s so critical to YOUR success in business that I wanted to make sure you don’t miss out.

Fabienne is living proof of how critical mindset–specifically your Client Attraction Mindset–is to attracting all the ideal clients you Fabienne Fredrickson-Client Attraction Mindset Callwant (and need) right now, as well as what you actually earn in your business.

Over the past 3 years,  Fabienne’s business-in-come has skyrocketed dramatically.  She went from making in the low 6-figures just 3 years ago to now running a multimillion-dollar business with 7 full-time employees, in an industry where most people don’t ever break $50K. Not bad, right?

If you’re in a hurry you can watch her short video and register to attend her no-charge training call on just this topic right here:


Now, you may be wondering what exactly is The Client Attraction Mindset, anyway and how can it help you attract  all those ideal, high-paying clients you want more of right now? How can it help you make so much more than you’re making now (and, most importantly, HOW do you actually achieve this kind of mindset?)

Well, Fabienne is going to show you that it’s actually quite easy. Take a peek at her new
video: http://www.tcub.co/mindset

In it, Fabienne breaks down a fairly vast subject into 3 simple, easy-to-understand elements and demonstrates for you what effortless steps you MUST take to get the Client Attraction Mindset.

When you do, you get more  clients and make so much more in your business than you’re making now, no matter if you’re just starting out or have been in business for many years.

One of the things that Fabienne is best known for is how she gives high value, high content material at  no-charge. So, in the video you’ll also see that she’s  extended a special invitation to join her for a must-attend no-cost training call happening December 9th, where she will go MUCH deeper into the 3 elements she shares in the video and she’ll teach you immediately-actionable information about how to get this Client Attraction Mindset. And like Fabienne says–you simply can’t succeed without it!

That no-charge training call is Thursday, December 9th. To get in on it, you must register here first:


You’ll want to clear your schedule, put a do-NOT-disturb sign on your door, and pay full attention, because this call will transform your view of what it takes to succeed beyond your current level of achievement.

Fabienne is going to show you WHY you aren’t making what you want to be making in your business and HOW to quickly change that, from the comfort of your own home.

So take action today:

Start by watching Fabienne’s new video where she talks about the 3 things you must be doing to change your current situation through upgrading your mindset. Then, on the training call, she’ll take you through everything you need to do to see major results in just a matter of days like hundreds of her students already have.

Will you join me? I can’t wait to see what she shares (she always gives so much):

PS: Feel free to forward this to your friends and associates, but know that spots are LIMITED on this call, and Fabienne already has over a thousand people signed up, so be sure to reserve your spot first: http://www.tcub.co/mindset

P.P.S. I already have my spot (of course), so don’t put this off until later, or you just might miss out.

Fabienne Fredrickson of ClientAttraction.comHere’s the information I promised you about Fabienne Fredrickson’s free teleseminar coming up on Wednesday November 4th that could honestly change your business and your life, for good:

“Client Attraction Made Easy: How To Quickly Go From Little Or No Clients To A FULL Practice.”


If you are on this page, you must have heard of Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor.

Ten years ago, after struggling to attract enough clients to stay in business and pay her bills each month, Fabienne created the popular Client Attraction System® that thousands of people are now using to quickly and successfully attract more clients, make more than ever before, and have more time off.

I use the system in my business, along with my private Mastermind Group. Her instructions are spelled out completely for you, there’s no guess work or re-inventing the wheel. I never ‘got’ marketing, until I met Fabienne. Now, not only do I ‘get it’, I LOVE it!  Seriously, I used to dread marketing, now it’s one of the main components of my business.

If you’re in a hurry to hear Fabienne reveal those secrets on her ONE-TIME call Wednesday, November 4th, register here:
Client Attraction Made Easy

But she didn’t stop there. Fabienne took it all to another level…

Using the same principles of Client Attraction, Fabienne’s taken her business from where yours probably is today, and created a multi-million-dollar business from it… and she’s revealing the secrets of Client Attraction and secrets you can use to do the same.

The GOOD NEWS for us:

Fabienne has agreed to reveal the EXACT steps you can take beginning today to attract more clients quickly in your own business on a special ONE-TIME call entitled:

“Client Attraction Made Easy: How To Quickly Go From Little Or No Clients To A FULL Practice.”

Here’s how to sign up:
Client Attraction Made Easy

Look, Fabienne ALWAYS offers high content and high value both in her products and in her free teleseminars. You can’t miss.

And she’s also giving away valuable Client Attraction gifts every few minutes for the listeners of this intro call – so it’s worth doing anything you can to be there LIVE.  So, will you join me? The call is on *Wednesday November 4th* and you can sign up and get the details here now:
Client Attraction Made Easy

I don’t want to miss the gifts she’s giving away, so I’ll be there on the call. (Don’t know about you, but I love getting things free.)

PS: Feel free to forward this post to your friends and associates, but know that spots are LIMITED on this call, and she already has over a thousand people signed up, so be sure to reserve your spot first:
Client Attraction Made Easy

PS – Fabienne’s business-building topics are rock solid! I’d hate to see anyone miss out on this ONE-TIME event.