Were you able to make it to Fabienne Fredrickson’s ‘Get More Clients Secrets’ tour stop in New York City last month? The buzz is that the entrepreneurs who attended walked away with amazing ideas for immediately getting more clients (and making more money.)

Unfortunately, due to her schedule she wasn’t able to do any tour stops other than New York City…some people were bummed and some  were downright upset, feeling they’d missed out on a good thing.

So, great news! Fabienne wants to make it up to you!

Click on the video below to see exactly how:

Fabienne Fredrickson - Get More Clients

The folks who poured into New York for that afternoon event last month got ‘crazy’ value.

They walked away knowing exactly what to do to get more clients in just a few days, and just the boost of motivation and inspiration to make it happen quickly.

And now, it’s your turn to get the same value because Fabienne is doing the event again for you to watch from the comfort of your own home via WEBINAR!

And it’s totally-free! Here are the details:


On the webinar, Fabienne will be giving  you the keys to the Client Attraction Kingdom.

Here’s what she’ll be covering:

* How to get clear on who your ideal client is

* How to create a truly compelling marketing message

* The secrets to closing the sale at least 97% of the time

* The exact process to fill your own practice so that you make lots more and serve way more clients

* And so much more…

To reserve your seat, go to:


Mark the dates in your calendar now

(Wednesday, March 16, 8pm eastern – that’s tomorrow!) for about 75-90 minutes and get on a cozy spot on your sofa, with your computer on your lap, and spend the evening with Fabienne getting huge value!


I’m all registered and hope you’ll be joining me too! “See” you there!

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to your friends and colleagues but register YOUR seat beforehand, to guarantee your spot.


P.P.S. I just spent the day with Fabienne in Stamford last week. Probably the best day I’ve ever had learning about how to build my business. I can’t recommend Fabienne enough, she taught me to take a “no excuses approach” and I can already see changes for the better. Click on the link and sign up for this powerful, high content webinar right now!
